IPv6 Hackers (ipv6hackers@lists.si6networks.com)
This mailing list is devoted to the discussion of IPv6 security issues and low/packet-level issues related to the IPv6 protocols. It is meant to provide forum for IPv6 security researchers and IPv6 networking professionals to discuss low-level IPv6 networking and security issues that could eventually lead to advances and improvements in the area of IPv6 security and IPv6 networking. Discussion of unrelated networking or security topics is considered “off topic”. Subscription to the list is open to the community.
Please subscribe to this mailing-list here.
The archive of this mailing-list is public, and is available here (a searchable archive is available here).
IoT Hackers (iot-hackers@lists.si6networks.com)
This mailing-list is meant to provide forum for IoT hackers to discuss technical security and low-level issues related to the IoT devices. Subscription to the list is open to the community.
Please subscribe to this mailing-list here.
The archive of this mailing-list is public, and is available here.
SDN Hackers (sdn-hackers@lists.si6networks.com)
This mailing-list is meant to provide forum for SDN hackers to discuss security and low-level issues (e.g. OpenFlow protocol internals) related to the so-called Software Defined Networks (SDN). Subscription to the list is open to the community.
Please subscribe to this mailing-list here.
The archive of this mailing-list is public, and is available here.
IPv6 Hackers (en Español) (ipv6hackers-es@lists.si6networks.com)
Esta lista de correo ha sido creada para fomentar la discusión de aspectos de seguridad de IPv6, así como de temas de “bajo nivel” (“a nivel paquete”) relacionado con dicho protocolo. Esta lista tiene como fin proporcionar un foro para que los investigadores de seguridad y los profesionales de redes discutan aspectos de conectividad y de seguridad IPv6 de bajo nivelpara eventualmente lograr avances y mejoras en las propiedades de conectividad y seguridad de este protocolo. Las discusiones sobre temas de redes o seguridad no relacionados con IPv6 serán consideradas “fuera de tema” (off-topic). La suscripción a esta lista está abierta a la comunidad.
Por favor suscríbase a esta lista aquí.
El archivo de esta lista es público, y se encuentra disponible aquí (se dispone de un archivo con posibilidad de búsqueda aquí).